Multifamily Education

Multifamily Council
Contact: Dean Schwanke
VP, Multifamily Housing
(202) 266-8392

Hardhat and gloves next to an American flag and construction plans

Dec. 6, 2023, at 2 p.m. ET

Avoid Costly Errors: Prepare for HOTMA | LIHTC Edition

The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) represents a significant overhaul of HUD regulations impacting LIHTC and other affordable housing programs. Changes include adjustments to tenant household composition, verification rules, and criteria for income and asset calculations.

During this webinar, the speakers will focus on key HOTMA sections related to LIHTC, and provide concise action items for state housing/LIHTC agencies and owner/agents. Attendees will gain insights into LIHTC/HOTMA compliance to navigate confidently in the HOTMA era.

LIHTC Webinar Replays

See the latest NAHB education on Low Income Housing Tax Credit issues.

Learn more